ONLY ORDER 1 OR 2 BIKES. You can also order other rental items on this order if needed.
Your Homeowners Collection cottage rental comes with two complimentary bikes.
If additional rental items are needed, add the complimentary bikes to the shopping cart and return to Rentals to purchase your additional rental items. Rentals include a combination lock and helmet. Baskets are $5.00.
Your 2 complimentary bikes will be available at the store for you to pick-up on your arrival date unless you order additional rideable rental items. If you order additional rideable rental items, we will deliver your rental items to your cottage. Store hours are listed on the bottom of the home page. A Credit Card is required for Security Deposit.
Actual bike may look different than bike pictured.
Call Store for Rentals of 8 days or more. 850-231-0035.